Wednesday, December 26, 2007

eva's first christmas

She didn't really know it was Christmas but she did enjoy tearing up wrapping paper and eating it.

Not sure if she is yawning or talking in this picture. We were definitely yawning.

She pulled in quite the loot. Here she is in front of her bounty. Thank you everyone!

After the gifts, we went to Ocean Beach to enjoy the gorgeous day.

Awesome first Christmas!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Oliver's Birthday

Oliver's birthday was December 15. In his honor, we went to his beach and introduced Eva to Oli's favorite frolic area. The waves were raging that day so Eva was a bit concerned but still a beautiful day to remember The Puppy.

Monday, December 3, 2007

eva @ seven months

Here is the latest in Evangelina-land:
  • Eva is becoming quite independent. She likes to sit in her crib so she can change her own music. She likes to read books at her pace and her order. She loves tummy time to show off her new yoga moves like rolling from belly to back or back to belly and chewing toes.
  • Simultaneously, she is also quite clingy. Mama is best but Papa is a good second.
  • Eva loves to eat on her own. We put frozen bananas in a little mesh teething ring for her to munch on and not only does it cure the teething pain but is super messy and fun for her.
  • Her diet is growing to be quiet varied. She's added oatmeal, peaches, prunes, barley, winter squash, & green onions to the mix of pears, carrots, yams, peas, apples & bananas.
  • She is still stopping traffic with her beauty. Seriously, we can't go anywhere without someone commenting on how gorgeous our Gerber baby is!
  • Had her first Thanksgiving, complete with yummy food and cuddling with Nonni & Nanna.
  • Below is a better video of her Baby Einstein commentary. Hairdo compliments of Papa.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

half year birthday!

Evangelina Viola is 6 months old! Here are all the things she's doing now:
  • Her favorite veggie is carrots and her favorite fruit is pears. Her absolute favorite meal is mama's milk straight from the source.
  • Rolling over all the way and really enjoying tummy time...she's a powerhouse on push-ups.
  • Wakes us up by grabbing our faces and sticking her fingers in our noses.
  • Sitting up and playing with toys. She also loves to grab anything we have as shown in the photo below.
  • Said her first word-Mama! (ok, it was babbling but still heart warming!)
  • Loves the computer and video conferencing with the family.
  • Lots of babbling and squeaking and playing with her volume.
  • Really likes Baby Einstein videos and her sign language video. Here she is providing commentary in between eating her feet:

Thursday, November 1, 2007

eva's first halloween

We had no trick-or-treaters so while mama and papa ate all the candy, Eva had these cute faces.

Monday, October 22, 2007

happy eva

Despite teething, her first (and hopefully last) case of thrush, and being stuck inside due to fires around the county, Eva sure is happy!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

first fruits

bananas - not quite sure...

apples - not bad...

pears - delicious! ate the whole jar in one sitting!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007

5 months!

Eating rice cereal!

Eating yams!

Eating peas!

Eating carrots!

Eating feet!

Told by countless people that she should model!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

froggy jammies

Yesterday was her 4 month check-up. She is growing tall and slim. She's in the 85% for height but only 25% for weight. Nothing of concern - just more proof that she's going to be a heartbreaker. Doctor gave us the green light to start feeding her stage 1 baby food - here come the sweet potatoes & peas! Eva (and we) survived her second round of shots. For being so brave, she got to lounge in her froggy jammies and take silly photos.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Monday, September 10, 2007

eva's first cereal

She is going through a growth spurt and has polished off my reserves of mama's milk. In order to keep her full, the doctor said we can go ahead and start her on rice cereal as a supplement. She is loving it and already playing during dinner! She's such a ham!

Monday, September 3, 2007

eva @ 4 months

  • Making bubbles with her mouth and drooling = pre-teething!
  • Made the transition from mama to papa as daytime caregiver.
  • Video conferencing with her grandparents – she’s so high tech.
  • Standing – albeit with our help but still standing!
  • Pulling out and playing with her pacifier and almost getting it back in her mouth.
  • Patting the mirror and laughing when looking at her reflection.
  • Enjoys touching our faces when we play with her.
  • Met her future husband, Gabriel…our friends’ Jen & Lacho’s baby.
  • First official beach trip. She was hot and hungry so it didn’t last long but she did dip her feet in the water and sand. She looks awesome in a bikini, especially with her diaper sticking out.
  • Rolling over from her back to her belly…then getting stuck and crying.
  • First call to poison control. She accidentally got diaper rash cream on her pacifier and then put the pacifier in her mouth. They were great at reassuring us that she may have an upset tummy (which she didn’t) and that there was nothing to worry about. Whew!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

excited eva

I'm no Spielberg but look at how excited she is! I'm shaking the rattle for her and she is overjoyed. I tried to cover up the TV noise in the background with one of Joe's masterpieces but apparently I just have both playing. I'm still learning through trial and error (who has time to read those manuals anyway!). Enjoy!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007

papa's girl

Eva likes to sleep with her arm over her face, just like her papa.

eager face

I call it her eager face because she gets this same look just before I feed her. She's very into this rattle. She coos and drools with big eyes while shaking it and watching the pinwheel spin. Absolutely precious!

standing already?

With a little help from us, Eva is already supporting herself on her cute little legs!

Friday, August 3, 2007

the amato trio at three months

Eva update:
  • Eva is smiling, talking and giggling a lot - it is infectious!
  • She enjoyed her first July 4th with grilling, fireworks and s'mores. Aunt Mere and Cousin Candice were here to share it with her.
  • She met her Grandpa and Grandma Smith from Florida.
  • Eva completed her baby massage classes. She really is enjoying the daily rub down, especially during bath time. In the photo below, Eva is the one looking at us on the side instead of the camera. The boy next to her, Aiden, shares her birthday - he was delivered next door and within minutes of Eva...kindred spirits?
  • Eva is learning her body parts - she recently discovered her feet and likes to hold them with her hands. She is also closely examining her hands and chewing on them.
  • She is very aware of her surroundings. She likes to watch TV, see the curtains blow in the wind, look at herself in the mirror and sit up in her chair.
  • Even though she still prefers to be held, she is playing on her own a lot more. She can sit in her swing or chair for nearly 20-30 minutes to give mama and papa a break.
  • Best news she got today: a new cousin coming in January! Congrats to Aunt Danielle and Uncle Phil!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

eva's workout

Eva likes working out. She sits in her vibrating chair and kicks her toys. She giggles while smacking this bird in the face...not sure what I think about that but look at this smile!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

who does she look like?

Here are photos of me and Joe at 2 months and also Eva...she's the cute one. Who does she resemble more? She's definitely got Joe's beautiful eyelashes and my fickle nature. Possibly blue eyes and dark curly hair - we are in for trouble.

Our little Evangelina had her first round of shots today. I don't know who it was more painful for - us or her. She's sleeping it off now. Good news - all her test results have come back negative and she's gained 3lbs and 4 inches since birth!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

eva's new chairs

Eva got a rocking chair from Grandma & Grandpa Smith during their visit this past week. She also got a Bebe pod from us which helps her sit up. She loves the new perspective and feels like such a big girl. Doesn't she look happy?

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

eva @ 2 months

Here's what Eva's been doing the last month:
  • She's smiling, cooing, and laughing all the time.
  • She's getting somewhat of a routine and sleeping up to 6 hours at night - yippie!
  • She's entertaining herself with her toys and exploring her surroundings.
  • She's starting to hold her head up and scoot around on her belly during tummy time.
  • She's loving bath time and getting massaged with soap.
  • She's been marathon eating which means she is going through a growth spurt.
  • She met her Grandad Austin & spent two weeks with Grandmommy Austin.
  • She met her Aunt Chuck & Yuichi.
  • She met Aunt Mere & Cousin Candice...she likes watching Candice dance.
  • She went to the annual Ocean Beach Street Fair.
  • She went to the San Diego Zoo and was quite an angel for 3 hours.
  • She's even cuter than she was last month!

Monday, June 25, 2007

eva's new toy

Eva got a new toy - a Baby Einstein play mat. The photo above is her smiling when we first put her on it. She is looking at a star that flashes lights and plays music. The photo below is later that night when she decided to start responding with laughter and cooing. We love to watch her reaction but even more it is great having a babysitter!

Monday, June 18, 2007

joe's first father's day

Here's Joe with his new baby girl. You can see the furry first baby, Oliver, in the background. Joe had a splendid first father's day. He got to surf, had a couple of margaritas at brunch, cuddle time with Eva, nap time and then a nice dinner with wifey while grandmommy watched the baby. He's quite the proud papa. Here's Eva playing after we got back from dinner. She's really starting to understand her world and smiling a lot!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

eva's first bath

Well, she has technically had many sponge baths but today was her official first bath. We had to wait until her umbilical cord fully healed...I think it took so long to heal because of our strong mother/daughter connection. The bath started out a little scary but by the end, she was content.