Monday, September 3, 2007

eva @ 4 months

  • Making bubbles with her mouth and drooling = pre-teething!
  • Made the transition from mama to papa as daytime caregiver.
  • Video conferencing with her grandparents – she’s so high tech.
  • Standing – albeit with our help but still standing!
  • Pulling out and playing with her pacifier and almost getting it back in her mouth.
  • Patting the mirror and laughing when looking at her reflection.
  • Enjoys touching our faces when we play with her.
  • Met her future husband, Gabriel…our friends’ Jen & Lacho’s baby.
  • First official beach trip. She was hot and hungry so it didn’t last long but she did dip her feet in the water and sand. She looks awesome in a bikini, especially with her diaper sticking out.
  • Rolling over from her back to her belly…then getting stuck and crying.
  • First call to poison control. She accidentally got diaper rash cream on her pacifier and then put the pacifier in her mouth. They were great at reassuring us that she may have an upset tummy (which she didn’t) and that there was nothing to worry about. Whew!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how cute!!!!! congrats rachel