Wednesday, July 4, 2007

eva @ 2 months

Here's what Eva's been doing the last month:
  • She's smiling, cooing, and laughing all the time.
  • She's getting somewhat of a routine and sleeping up to 6 hours at night - yippie!
  • She's entertaining herself with her toys and exploring her surroundings.
  • She's starting to hold her head up and scoot around on her belly during tummy time.
  • She's loving bath time and getting massaged with soap.
  • She's been marathon eating which means she is going through a growth spurt.
  • She met her Grandad Austin & spent two weeks with Grandmommy Austin.
  • She met her Aunt Chuck & Yuichi.
  • She met Aunt Mere & Cousin Candice...she likes watching Candice dance.
  • She went to the annual Ocean Beach Street Fair.
  • She went to the San Diego Zoo and was quite an angel for 3 hours.
  • She's even cuter than she was last month!

1 comment:

Merecarol said...

She is beautiful! I'm so glad we got to spend this time with you.