Friday, August 3, 2007

the amato trio at three months

Eva update:
  • Eva is smiling, talking and giggling a lot - it is infectious!
  • She enjoyed her first July 4th with grilling, fireworks and s'mores. Aunt Mere and Cousin Candice were here to share it with her.
  • She met her Grandpa and Grandma Smith from Florida.
  • Eva completed her baby massage classes. She really is enjoying the daily rub down, especially during bath time. In the photo below, Eva is the one looking at us on the side instead of the camera. The boy next to her, Aiden, shares her birthday - he was delivered next door and within minutes of Eva...kindred spirits?
  • Eva is learning her body parts - she recently discovered her feet and likes to hold them with her hands. She is also closely examining her hands and chewing on them.
  • She is very aware of her surroundings. She likes to watch TV, see the curtains blow in the wind, look at herself in the mirror and sit up in her chair.
  • Even though she still prefers to be held, she is playing on her own a lot more. She can sit in her swing or chair for nearly 20-30 minutes to give mama and papa a break.
  • Best news she got today: a new cousin coming in January! Congrats to Aunt Danielle and Uncle Phil!

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