Monday, April 9, 2007

place your bets!

We are exactly one month away from the due date. It is time to start placing your bets! Is it a girl or a boy? When will s/he be due?

I call a girl on 5/6/07 -- I just like the look of the date!
Joe thinks a boy on 5/1/07 -- in honor of Grandpa Amato.

What do you think? Leave a comment for your bet!


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say a boy on 5/5 (on Cinco de Mayo after listening to the latin music).

Merecarol said...

I'm going to go with 5/7 (Candice is 3/7) but, 4/28 would be even better. I know its early but, that would be great!


Anonymous said...

Grandpa Smith says a boy on 5/4

Grandma Smith says a girl on 5/9

We are so excited about the arrival of Baby Amato and look forward to our visit in July.

Dad and Michele

Anonymous said...

Here it is 5/1 -- guess we will miss this big day -- any day will work for me.

Can't wait to hear the cry.

Grandma Amato