Saturday, March 31, 2007

shadow belly

This photo shows a bit of Joe's artistic side. Baby Amato is getting bigger every day. S/he is now anywhere from 3-8 weeks from arrival...I'm hoping for an earlier due date so my body can get some relief! At least I get to enjoy a two week spring break starting today!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

more baby classes and another shower!

We completed a baby basics class this week and learned how to change diapers, clothe and bathe baby, as well as comfort baby when crying. Aside from our doll having jaundice and some abuse marks, we were model students. Upcoming classes include: breastfeeding, CPR/first aid and baby bedtime. These last weeks are going to be busy but at least I get to enjoy a two week spring break starting this weekend...nap time!

I'm finishing my last credentialing class before baby arrives. I've been an online student but the university requires some face time and I'm putting in my dues while I can use the pregnancy to my advantage (like finishing the class early). I did a majority of the work on a group project that we aced and my team members rewarded me with a surprise baby shower in class! It was very kind, especially since I just met these folks a month ago. Baby Amato got a few more trinkets and I got to stuff my belly during class - how lucky am I?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

surviving childbirth classes

Joe and I completed our childbirth classes this weekend. Aside from him feeling a little nauseous by descriptions and videos, it went well. All our reading has paid off because none of the information was brand new, plus our years of yoga will really come in handy. We were strongly encouraged to have a doula, which we luckily already have. We got to see the delivery room- pretty swanky for a hospital room and apparently we are going to be at the best hospital in the area. Neither of us are really jazzed about the blood and other fluids associated with the delivery but are super excited about seeing Baby Amato in about 50 days! I was very proud of Joe...he's going to be a great coach and papa.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

31 weeks and nesting

That's Papa putting together Baby Amato's armoire. We are definitely in the nesting phase. We were concerned that we may need to move but our landlord either smartened up or took pity on us and is finishing the work he promised to do for us; thus, we can stay for a while longer. We are getting ready for baby... cleaned and put away all the baby clothes, got the hospital bags packed, and starting childbirth classes next week. The next photo is my buddha belly this week. If one more person asks if I am having twins, I may cry. I love that my belly is large and baby is healthy but it isn't easy to hear daily how huge I am. Gotta go now, the girl scout cookies are calling me...