Sunday, August 29, 2010

Big Sister Eva

Eva was very excited to see the "movie" of the baby in Mama's belly. Turned out the movie wasn't nearly as exciting as she anticipated. However, the rest of the day and weekend, she was very excited about the idea of being a Big Sister. She even drew her own picture of the baby (as shown below).

We felt certain the baby would be a boy. Mainly due to desire to have a boy but also this pregnancy is very different from Eva's. We asked the technician to not tell us but write it down and put in envelope so we could open at dinner. A friend gave us the idea to take the envelope to a store, pick out a girl and boy outfit, then have the salesperson open the envelope and gift wrap the appropriate one. We were stunned at dinner to see a very detailed anatomy picture and a pink outfit in the box. Mama is still skeptical (or still stunned) so next month's ultrasound (and most definitely the birth) will determine if the technician was right. Boy or girl, baby is healthy and Mama is healthy so we are all very happy. Plus, another girl like Eva would be divine!


Anonymous said...

The artist did a good job -- as did God!



Anonymous said...

We can't wait for you to get out here!