Sunday, February 3, 2008

nine months

Yep, we are as shocked as she is to realize Eva is already 9 months!

Here's all the new stuff:
  • Super Gummy - she loves to smack her gums.
  • Weaned herself off bottles - after winter break and having mama milk from the source, Eva decided she is too mature for bottles.
  • Starting sippy cup - mostly making a mess but starting it nonetheless.
  • Eating homemade food and tons of it!
  • Eva loves to read books - they really taste good too.
  • Hired a doula to help us transition Eva from our bed to her crib. There were more tears from us than her the first night but we are working on it.


Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh.......
Cannot believe how big she is. She is too beautiful!!!!
Cannot wait until May....Kiss my baby girl for me.
Love to all.
Aunt Twissy

Anonymous said...

You look like such a grown up! Wait for me to get there before you get anymore grown up.