Thursday, January 3, 2008

eight months

Aside from the expected firsts like Christmas and New Year's, Eva has had a big month of development!
  • A new cousin! Aunt Danielle and Uncle Phil had a baby girl yesterday - Annelise Joy!
  • We had hoped Santa would bring her two front teeth but no luck. However, it looks like they are coming very soon.
  • Clapping her hands at everything, even when waking up from naps.
  • Weaned herself off pacifiers...sometimes we wish she hadn't but overall its a good thing.
  • Fussy about wearing bibs & really enjoys getting messy at meal time.
  • Loves the guitar – she can strum and likes to hear papa play.
  • Loves watching herself on the blog videos. She giggles and smiles at herself.
  • Wants to play all the time. She insists on having toys while eating, during diaper changes, and generally needs something in her hands at all times. Even though she has some really cool toys, she loves to hold the lids from her baby food.
  • Giving kisses - open mouth and sloppy but adorable.
  • Developing a quirky little side smile...we call it her Elvis smile.
  • Starting to wave to everything and everyone.
  • She likes to play peek-a-boo through the slats in her crib.
  • This onesie pretty much says it all: She may be small but she's the boss. It would be great if she didn't rub it in.


Anonymous said...

You are the boss of everything in my book !


Anonymous said...

This baby is so precious. I cannot wait to meet her and see you and Joe, Rachel.
(I need toys, not clothes)...LOL.
Love to all,