Sunday, June 3, 2007

eva's first month

Our little girl has had a big first month:
  • She met her maternal grandmother and paternal grandparents.
  • She attended her first concert with papa on guitar.
  • She has taken many strolls along the ocean and pier.
  • She is gaining over an ounce per day.
  • She is grasping our fingers and skin when we hold her.
  • She also loves to squirm and kick when we hold her.
  • She loves to pull away from eating with her arms up victoriously.
  • She is starting to enjoy tummy time and able to lift her head a bit and turn side to side.
  • She has mastered the bottle and pacifier - mama needs a break!
  • She has already toured Little Italy.
  • She looks in our eyes when we hold her.
  • She loves constant movement - especially bouncing on the yoga ball.
  • She can already sleep up to 5 hours at night.
  • She's received tons of well wishes and gifts from adoring fans.
  • She's starting to smile.
  • She has the nickname Squeaky "Cheeks" McGrunty - Squeaky because she squeaks when awake; "Cheeks" because she's got pinchin' cheeks; McGrunty in honor of her Irish heritage and grunts while sleeping and stretching.
  • Shockingly, she gets cuter by the day!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pictures!!!! Just a few more weeks!!!! She is beautiful.

Mere and Candi

Anonymous said...

Great pics! Thanks for sharing. I can see both of you in her. She sure likes to sleep with her arms up - who does she get that from?
Auntie Becky