Monday, December 4, 2006

my how s/he's grown!

We had our ultrasound today and my, has Baby Amato grown! We got nothing but great news today. We got to see the major body parts including the spine and heart very clearly so all looks good. We resisted temptation and did not find out the gender. You can clearly see the perfect head -- s/he was waving his/her hand by his/her head when the photo was taken. S/he has a cute belly and is kicking back in the womb with skinny little legs propped up. We counted ten toes and five fingers (we assume the other hand is perfect too.) While s/he only weighs a pound, s/he could fit in the palm of my hand. From here, it seems to be all downhill. Baby Amato is fully formed but will continue to get fatter (like me). We may not see him/her again until May so we will treasure this photo until then!


Anonymous said...

Wow -- what a beauty. Can't wait to see the smile. Love you all.

Grandma Amato

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these special photos. We can't wait to see and hold Baby Amato, and to spoil him/her just like we did you, Rachie.
Love, Aunt Becky & Uncle Ray