Wednesday, December 20, 2006

20 weeks = halfway there!

It is hard to believe that we are halfway through this adventure. As expected, Baby Amato and I are growing each day. I'm not sure I am feeling any movement yet but I may be confusing it with gas. Here's what our weekly baby informer had to say today:
Congratulations—you’re halfway there! Celebrate by talking to your baby since s/he can hear you now. Weighing in at about 9 ounces (.25 kg) and measuring over 6 inches (15 cm) long, your baby is aware of all kinds of sounds, from the beating of your heart and growling of your tummy, to songs on the radio and the buzzing of your alarm clock. If you feel a “bounce” in your tummy when you hear a loud noise, it’s because your baby hears it too! This is the start of your baby's active phase. You'll feel every twist, turn, and wiggle. You may also hear your baby’s heartbeat through a stethoscope, and it’s probably faster than you expect—120 to 160 beats per minute.


Monday, December 4, 2006

my how s/he's grown!

We had our ultrasound today and my, has Baby Amato grown! We got nothing but great news today. We got to see the major body parts including the spine and heart very clearly so all looks good. We resisted temptation and did not find out the gender. You can clearly see the perfect head -- s/he was waving his/her hand by his/her head when the photo was taken. S/he has a cute belly and is kicking back in the womb with skinny little legs propped up. We counted ten toes and five fingers (we assume the other hand is perfect too.) While s/he only weighs a pound, s/he could fit in the palm of my hand. From here, it seems to be all downhill. Baby Amato is fully formed but will continue to get fatter (like me). We may not see him/her again until May so we will treasure this photo until then!

Baby Amato's First Shower

While in Texas, my aunt Becky hosted a fantastic baby shower for me and Baby Amato. While it seems early to have a shower, this will probably be my last time to see everyone before Baby Amato arrives. The photo shows me, my niece Candice, the hostess, and my mom just before we gorged ourselves with yummy food and cake. The women showered me with many lovely words and gifts. Joe was a bit overwhelmed with all the baby stuff...even more so when I explained we still have many more things to get before we are ready to have Baby Amato join us at home!

Friday, November 24, 2006

bumpage at week 16

It seems like my bump appeared overnight - or do I just look chubby from too much turkey? Baby Amato knew to make an appearance before seeing my mother. We have returned from our Austin trip and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We got our tex-mex fix, squeezed in a baby shower, and had lots of time with family and friends. That will have to last us a while because after sharing trips with countless screaming babies on airplanes, we have vowed to each other to not travel until baby can handle it. Alas, the Texans will have to come to the beautiful west coast to see the Amato Trio.

Thursday, November 2, 2006

leaving the danger zone

We officially survived the first trimester! We heard Baby Amato's heartbeat today loud and clear. I was disappointed that I didn't get to see the baby today but that's a good sign that the ultrasound wasn't needed. Alas, I'll have to wait four more weeks to see him/her. I'll be happy to count the ten fingers and ten toes and make sure all the parts are in the right place! We will also get to find out the gender at that time but we really want to wait until s/he is born to know. How often do you get a surprise like that? We are really enjoying knowing that the scariest time period is behind us and will think positively about the future two-thirds!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

telling the family

We've only shared our joyful news with a few select people but now the grandparents are in the loop. We sent them cards of our last sonogram photo with "Congratulations Grandparents!" We've been getting screaming and crying phone calls from the grandmas. Now, we can share the news with everyone else. We are at 11 weeks and still in shock but very, very happy. The gray image on the left between the + signs is Baby Amato at 9 weeks!