Had to do our first switcheroo. Dolly disappeared. Not sure if she fell out of the car or got left somewhere. Alas, here's new and improved Dolly (thank you internet!)
Cute story: as we were getting ready to join AJ and family at the market, Eva got her fruit bar, broke it in half, and said "AJ's and Eva's!" Such a great sharer!
The visit started off fun - cool waiting room with games...
then, we had to leave the fun area ... not happy about that nor the people in scrubs...
and, meltdown.
Dentist's report: other than needing to brush more and floss daily (that's going to be fun), she's got a healthy mouth!
We pick our battles - unless it is dirty, she can wear anything she wants...as demonstrated here. Purple and blue flowered dress, white and pink pj pants, red and pink valentine's socks, and brown shoes she stole from her cousin that are too big for her. Somehow she pulls it off.