Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cruisin' with buddies

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Sunday, August 23, 2009



takin' a break from a busy day of play

papa makes great forts


Eva's favorite color is purple (just like mama) and everything she wears must have some purple in it. Went out and bought her a bunch of new clothes with the purple theme but she really only wants to wear this and two other purple outfits. Picky, picky!

Eva loves dogs

Dogsitting for our neighbors - Eva loved every minute!

best park in san diego?

Papa claims to have found the "best park in San Diego" so we went out with AJ and Danielle. The playground had the essentials of a slide and two swings and this weird duck that doesn't move. Far from best park but the cousins still had fun.

creepy duck that doesn't move

snack sharing

killer slide

and AJ made the walk back to the car very entertaining


Monday, August 17, 2009

Eva the Diva

Eva has her own ideas about what she should wear and it has gotten increasingly challenging to rush her creative process. Sometimes, just to get out of the house, we have to put her in the car in her diaper (as shown here) and offer a comprised outfit before she can get out.

Monday, August 10, 2009

More showing off

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Best ice cream invention since ice cream!

I forget what this device is called but I found it at BBB. It is light, easy to clean, and holds the ice cream stick perfectly, has a moat to collect drips, and you can even set it down! Perfect for messy toddlers and mamas - genius!


Friday, August 7, 2009

Showing off

Thursday, August 6, 2009

eva and dolly

Eva loves to get in our bed and snuggle under the covers, with or without us.

sea world

ebba & ahjay

she took these!

then, I took these!

kissing cousins

eva's two favs: papa and blueberries

At the park the other day, a lady who was used to seeing Joe and Eva together asked if I was "the mother." Yes, I get it, she looks a lot like Joe.

Queen of the Castle

Little mama

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Oh yes, it's ladies' night!

Eva's favorite new play palace - Kid Ventures!

AJ is back! Oh, Danielle & Phil too!

First bloody knee!

She's a trooper! Only fussy for a bit and let me clean it off then ready to play again!