Thursday, July 30, 2009

gmommy's visit

first day of gmommy's visit = eva's first haircut

the zoo - eva's favorite place

playdate with gmommy
(busted! cookies before dinner?)

toddler tango class not going so well

our little cowgirl
thanks for the hat aunt trixie!

post-bath silliness

strolling seaport village

geekin' out on the iphone

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

hug the baby

Sunday, July 19, 2009

chalk mania!

Eva's buddy's bday party!

eva's first haircut

Pigtails and Crewcuts in Chula Vista is the best place and Jennifer rocked! Eva was not fond of any of the cool chairs they had so Jennifer cut her hair while she played with trains and hugged Papa. It required a first lolipop too but the haircut was super cute when done!

Friday, July 17, 2009

first bare feet in sand!

For a San Diego native, Eva has some sand issues. She's got a bit of the "princess and the pea" syndrome. Admittedly, she has gone bare feet before but not for long. Until today! She made friends with one of the "big girls" (4-year-old) who went bare feet at the park so naturally, Eva had to do it too. Here she is playing in the sand and watching "babies" (9-month-olds) swing.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

inefficient but adorable


Monday, July 13, 2009

caught ya!

Eva giving herself blueberry kisses and then surprised that she got caught!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

first ice cream pop

but last white onesie

enjoying our daily 2nd park visit

loves mushroom pizza, just like mama

She didn't get much actual pizza because she was too busy eating off all the mushrooms from all the pieces!

reading is more fun in boots and with an audience

tallest lego tower ever

Eva was quite pleased with her building skills today. She's strutting around the train track! Oh, and she's really into trains right now.

mama flip flops = ok

(referring to flip flip freakout on 7/3/09)

just like old times

Eva did not want to nap today so we had to go old school and nap with mama. As happy as I am that she is sleeping like a champ in her toddler bed, it was really nice to cuddle today for nap time!

Y'all got anything to eat?

Eva is not really a picky eater but you have to guess her mood of the moment. Here, she has refused my offerings and is looking into what else is available. If raisins or berries are in sight, that is almost always what she will pick.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

she saw the big girls doing it so, why not?

funny story

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

toddler bed

Eva has graduated to the toddler bed. It is just her crib with a new rail but now she can get in and out on her own. What is the first thing she did when she saw it? Climbed in and started jumping around! Tonight it took three attempts to get her to go to sleep. She kept getting out of bed and knocking on the door asking for mama to read more books. Let's hope those extra stories keep her down for the night!

artist at work

mild scrunchie face

at least she was helping sweep while making scrunchie face

Monday, July 6, 2009

night night ritual

After bath, Eva gets a sweet treat like ice cream or today, blueberry smoothie. When she looks this adorable with a smoothie mustache, and then makes kissy face on top of that, I really don't mind reading our required ten books before night night. After I put her in her crib, she has 2 more books she reads to herself!

scrunchy face continues

eva's new jungle

4th of July

simple yet fun BBQ with neighbors

eva and mira enjoying the homemade ice cream

Friday, July 3, 2009

guess who?