thanks for the hat aunt trixie!

Pigtails and Crewcuts in Chula Vista is the best place and Jennifer rocked! Eva was not fond of any of the cool chairs they had so Jennifer cut her hair while she played with trains and hugged Papa. It required a first lolipop too but the haircut was super cute when done!
For a San Diego native, Eva has some sand issues. She's got a bit of the "princess and the pea" syndrome. Admittedly, she has gone bare feet before but not for long. Until today! She made friends with one of the "big girls" (4-year-old) who went bare feet at the park so naturally, Eva had to do it too. Here she is playing in the sand and watching "babies" (9-month-olds) swing.
Eva is not really a picky eater but you have to guess her mood of the moment. Here, she has refused my offerings and is looking into what else is available. If raisins or berries are in sight, that is almost always what she will pick.