Thursday, April 30, 2009

bippity boppity boop

eva loves papa

mmm, blueberry yogurt

Seriously, how does she keep getting cuter?

cute in boots

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seriously into these boots

Eva's wouldn't let us take these boots off for bath so she got to enjoy them a bit longer for the photo. Take a gander at that buddha belly. She must be going through a big growth spurt because she has been eating all day these last few days...let's hope it fattens her up!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

easter in texas

good friends and good babies

aunt mere and eva

gmommy, candice and eva

eva loved cracking the eggs on the ground

the betrothed: gabriel and evangelina
just like an old married couple - he's making a funny face as she looks onward

scrunchy face

Friday, April 3, 2009