Sunday, February 22, 2009

serious snack time

She's watching herself on the serious! I tried to help her out by holding the cheddar bunnies for her - big mistake. She's a big girl and can do it herself!

passionate about peas

phone call

Eva loves to mimic us on the phone!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I can dress myself!

Eva has known how to dress herself for a while; but now she gets extremely frustrated when she can't wear multiple outfits at the same time. She insists on picking out her own shoes too. Note the one croc on the wrong foot in the picture below.


Monday, February 16, 2009

words and signs this week

Bear, please, tree, flower, puzzle, lamp, computer, couch, swing, chair, and refrigerator (simply adorable sounding)! Working on a video. Here's the genius with her newest toy, her first truck!

toes on the nose

practicing paddling or enjoying the reflection?


Maybe she will have better luck than us in taming that wild hair. At least it will be full of body and curly when it finally grows in!

champion sleeper

Just like stopping bottles, pacifier, and mama's milk, Eva told us when she was ready to sleep on her own (aside from a few stuffed buddies.) Eva now is ready for bed around 6pm and when we ask "do you want to go to bed?" she calmly walks to her crib. She sleeps a solid 12 hours at night plus a good 2 hour nap. We are shocked, amazed, and a bit sad...those middle of the night cuddles are hard to give up. The full night's rest is helping us cope!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

snack and cuddles

Here's Eva enjoying a snack, cuddles, and some words before bed. Did we mention she is sleeping like a champ? It only took 20 months but she is in her crib, sleeping solid through the night plus a big nap in the day - all on her own! What a big girl!

more words!

Eva knows about 40 words and signs but do you think she will let us get them on all video? Of course not. She is usually more cooperative in the car for some reason. Here are a few more of her words:

Vocabulary (as of today): mama, papa, kitty, baby, bubbles, thank you, book, kiss, eat, drink, cookie, cup, dog, fish, monkey, bird, book, ball, bowl, help, friend, play, story, more, all done, table, milk, apple, bath, water, sleep, bed, play, eyes, ears, mouth, feet, numbers 1-20 and her abc's!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Eva loves this song for the "whoa" part and getting to count. While this song only tests her up to 4, she can count up to 20!