Monday, January 26, 2009

signing & talking

Eva's vocabulary has exploded with both words and signs!

How many bears can YOU hold?

funny face

ultra silliness


I was cooking dinner and things got quiet - always a bad sign. I looked in and she had gotten herself on the couch and was relaxin' to Spongebob Squarepants. Big Girl!

eva's next instrument

yoga baby

What is it about this new car seat and the 'tude?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

eva's rocking chair

Eva loves her rocking chair. Thanks Gmommy & Gdad! She sits in it for about 5 seconds then runs to the back and makes it rock then back to sitting in it for 5 seconds and so on.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

ode to the kitties

It has been over a week since we last saw Smokey and Sentri is noticeably upset. We can only assume she has moved onto her next phase of life. We spent nearly 15 years together and we owe a lot to her. We will miss her patience, grace, and unconditional love. Sentri is getting lots of love to make her final time cuddly. To our dear companions, a very long overdue thank you for their love and support.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Eva's Ed Grimley walk

eva's new favorite playground

Coronado Island

Notice the older child hanging on for dear life at the top of the slide while Eva goes for it!
Not happy about leaving.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Can you tell her papa is a musician?

xylophone, drum, jukebox, concertina, 2 guitars with whammies, keyboard and recorder (plus all her shakers and make-shift drums)

planning her next adventure

cutest mismatched outfit ever

new car seat

Eva's joined the big girls in her front facing car seat. She looks a little too cool for school.

organizing = fun

Eva's bounty of gifts warranted more storage. She found the bins to be just as fun as the toys.

You can hop in them.

You can sit in them.

You can sit in them and stack them.

These aren't as cool so she just rubs her butt on them.