Thursday, November 27, 2008

happy thanksgiving

Papa made a yummy feast! Since it was raining and our dinner table is outside, we had an indoor picnic. We miss everyone but are thankful for wonderful family and friends!

amusing herself

Eva loves to watch herself on this blog and insists we watch it daily!

new uses for xylophone

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

these jammies were missing...

...jellies on the wrong feet.
But Eva fixed it and looks so happy with her complete outfit!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

18 months

Eva had a great 18 month checkup...thin, tall & smart! Here's a few of the things she's doing now:
  • talking all the time - we understand dog, kitty, water, ball, mama, papa, baby, all done, hi, bye
  • constantly putting on and taking off shoes, socks, pants, shirts, and jackets
  • likes to mimic and follow the big kids at the playground and tumbling class
  • climbs on everything and runs everywhere
  • helps us clean by throwing away her trash and sponging up spills
  • sings along to abc song and other familiar songs
  • daily musts: park, drumming, building blocks, sesame street, vanilla ice cream
  • waking up with crazy hair that we can't manage as seen below