Friday, July 25, 2008

austin reunion in portland

eva clapping after sebi moons her
eva adored oscar and he tolerated her affection

berry picking with aunt nikki

eva with aunt heather

drunk on berries - cute but we all pay for this later.

eva hugging joseph while he was much more interested in her phone.

eva gave sebi and new 'do - doesn't he look pleased?

eva loves swingin' anytime and anywhere

sebi and eva

joseph river

she seriously loves to swing - look at that blissful face!

voodoo donuts for mamas and papas when babies went to sleep

more alaska pics

amato trio on a hike (eva sleeping in the sling)

cutest girl ever in tighty whites

eva's first cruise - alaska

bon voyage celebration with gmommy and gdad - their anniversary and the reason for our trip

the gents - papa, uncle jason, uncle eric, gdad, cousin nolan, uncle brian
the ladies - aunt natalie, cousin charlene, mama, eva, gmommy, aunt gina, aunt jill

cutest thing ever in boots

Eva literally clapped when the cold breeze moved through her hair!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

independence day

the camera angle is a bit off but those are her first steps!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

family shots

entertaining Nonni and Nanna


reading with Aunt Danielle
playing peek-a-boo

posing in Little Italy

posing at Los Panchitos

everyone is looking at another photographer but AJ - look at her face!

AJ's baptism

The reason for the Amato reunion was to celebrate Annelise's baptism. Eva napped on the way to the church so naturally, she was ready to play when she was supposed to be a quiet observer. Here's Eva making friends in the nursery.

cooling her legs in the fountain - is this sacrilegious?

Eva congratulating AJ on her big day
AJ accepting

enjoying the pizza port

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

meeting cousin Annelise

Eva was a bit shy at first. She really likes older children but was uncertain what to do with Annelise.

Eva being polite as Annelise attacks.

Eva was very sneaky and sought her revenge while Annelise was sleeping and strapped in.