Sunday, June 15, 2008

papa's day

After a rough week of Eva being sick,
they got some much needed cuddling on father's day.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

rockin' out

Eva was looking through her toy chest and decided she needed a little rock music to help her search.

messy avocado

texas trip - day 5

At the post-wedding brunch, Cousin Nolan dazzled Eva.

Eva dazzled her aunts.

Aunt Gina was very cuddly.

After brunch, we all headed back to Gmommy & Gdad's house then got up really early to come back home to San Diego. Fun first trip!

Friday, June 6, 2008

texas trip - day 4 - the wedding

Birthday Lunch - Eva was very excited about the bunny!
Thanks Aunt Mary for the bunny!

with Cousins Charlene & Nolan
Strikin' a pose.

First linguini.

Chattin' with Uncle Brian, Aunt Gina & Cousins Charlene & Nolan.
On Papa's shoulders after the wedding.

Letting the butterflies go while Uncle Jason & Aunt Natalie run past.

Eva first placecard at the reception.

texas trip - day 3

The purpose of the Texas trip was Uncle Jason & Aunt Natalie's wedding. On the way, we made a stop in Lukenbach.

Eva was confused about this longhorn.

Amato Trio at the rehearsal dinner.

We call this her Frankenstein face. Now that she's got teeth, she likes to show them off.

texas trip - day 2

Looking so proud with her first breakfast taco.
Cuddling with Jhett.

Eva loves dogs.

Jhett's guitar lesson.
Gmommy had a debut party for Eva.

Gmommy, Eva & Gdad.

Mama & Eva.

Eva walking in the garden.

eva's first trip to texas - day one

Angel on the plane - both ways!
yummy quesadilla from Trudy's

proud papas - Eva and her betrothed Gabriel