Sunday, March 30, 2008

anniversary weekend

Eva looked angelic in her orange coveralls with the sun shining behind her. Seriously, her shirt says "orange you happy" and yes, she is. Despite suffering from her first cold, she was quite the angel while we enjoyed our 12-year anniversary this weekend. She was the hit of the restaurant where we ate dinner tonight and a joy while we ran around all day. She truly has added so much to our lives!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008


happy easter

From our cuddly bunny to yours...

aunt mere and cousin candi's visit

a sweet gentle embrace
matching outfits - part one
at the wild animal park

matching outfits - part two

cuddlin' at the playground


grandmommy & grandad's visit

kissy faces for her adoring fans

happy baby

playing with g-dad's shiny watch while g-mommy observes

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Eva can pull herself to standing, stare at herself in the mirror, and change the music all at the same time!

toothy smile

Bonus: see if you can find her first freckle.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Saturday, March 8, 2008

get out of my way!


big girl cup

Eva can't be bothered with bottles or even sippy cups anymore. She has decided she is a big girl and drinks out of our glasses. We can't imagine where she gets this determination.

in mama's arms

I used to get really jealous that Eva would nap in the sling with Joe and not me. Last night we went for sushi and I just kept Eva in the sling so she wouldn't grab the wasabi. About halfway through our summer roll, Eva could barely keep her eyes open and ended up passed out on my arm. She wasn't bothered by the noise in the sushi bar or the walk home...just slept like a baby!

Monday, March 3, 2008

double digits

Eva is now a big girl - 10 months old!
  • Saying mama (first word!), papa, hi and bye!
  • Finally got 2 bottom teeth!
  • Loves her new foods - avocado, tofu & yogurt!
  • Still stopping traffic with her beauty!
  • Loves to nap in her sling next to papa (as seen here!)