Wednesday, December 26, 2007

eva's first christmas

She didn't really know it was Christmas but she did enjoy tearing up wrapping paper and eating it.

Not sure if she is yawning or talking in this picture. We were definitely yawning.

She pulled in quite the loot. Here she is in front of her bounty. Thank you everyone!

After the gifts, we went to Ocean Beach to enjoy the gorgeous day.

Awesome first Christmas!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Oliver's Birthday

Oliver's birthday was December 15. In his honor, we went to his beach and introduced Eva to Oli's favorite frolic area. The waves were raging that day so Eva was a bit concerned but still a beautiful day to remember The Puppy.

Monday, December 3, 2007

eva @ seven months

Here is the latest in Evangelina-land:
  • Eva is becoming quite independent. She likes to sit in her crib so she can change her own music. She likes to read books at her pace and her order. She loves tummy time to show off her new yoga moves like rolling from belly to back or back to belly and chewing toes.
  • Simultaneously, she is also quite clingy. Mama is best but Papa is a good second.
  • Eva loves to eat on her own. We put frozen bananas in a little mesh teething ring for her to munch on and not only does it cure the teething pain but is super messy and fun for her.
  • Her diet is growing to be quiet varied. She's added oatmeal, peaches, prunes, barley, winter squash, & green onions to the mix of pears, carrots, yams, peas, apples & bananas.
  • She is still stopping traffic with her beauty. Seriously, we can't go anywhere without someone commenting on how gorgeous our Gerber baby is!
  • Had her first Thanksgiving, complete with yummy food and cuddling with Nonni & Nanna.
  • Below is a better video of her Baby Einstein commentary. Hairdo compliments of Papa.