Saturday, November 3, 2007

half year birthday!

Evangelina Viola is 6 months old! Here are all the things she's doing now:
  • Her favorite veggie is carrots and her favorite fruit is pears. Her absolute favorite meal is mama's milk straight from the source.
  • Rolling over all the way and really enjoying tummy time...she's a powerhouse on push-ups.
  • Wakes us up by grabbing our faces and sticking her fingers in our noses.
  • Sitting up and playing with toys. She also loves to grab anything we have as shown in the photo below.
  • Said her first word-Mama! (ok, it was babbling but still heart warming!)
  • Loves the computer and video conferencing with the family.
  • Lots of babbling and squeaking and playing with her volume.
  • Really likes Baby Einstein videos and her sign language video. Here she is providing commentary in between eating her feet:

Thursday, November 1, 2007

eva's first halloween

We had no trick-or-treaters so while mama and papa ate all the candy, Eva had these cute faces.