Wednesday, February 28, 2007

surprise baby shower!

I feel so blessed to have a wonderful place to work and amazing people to work with. Today, the ladies at work surprised me with a baby shower! Most importantly, the students were actually able to keep the secret. They all pitched in to provide a scrumptious lunch, a few baby clothes, a diaper bag, changing pad, and a jogging stroller. I feel honored to know these great women and call them friends!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Baby Amato in 3D

We went to the Ultrasound Experience today to get another glimpse at our little angel. Apparently, we have a yoga baby. Baby Amato was folded in half holding his/her leg above the head and resting the head on the knee. While we are grateful for the baby's flexibility, it made it challenging to get descent photos. Nonetheless, the top photo is Baby Amato with his/her eyes open - probably dreaming because s/he slept through the whole ultrasound despite my attempts to jostle. The second photo is Baby Amato yawning and you can see the cute little tongue ready to sass me and Joe. The last photo is Baby Amato passed out with chubby cheeks squished in between the knee and placenta. The photos all show a very healthy baby. After this, we went for the regular checkup and got more good news. Baby Amato is approximately ten weeks away from his/her debut!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

just another day at the beach

It is just another gorgeous day at the beach today! Joey snapped this photo of me while we were watching the dogs frolic on Dog Beach. I'm getting quite plump at nearly 29 weeks and Baby Amato is kicking like crazy, especially after enjoying some sweets. We found out that Baby Amato passed another test - no gestational diabetes! That should be the last big test aside from making sure s/he is in a good birthing position. Next on our agenda: another ultrasound and baby classes...let's hope Joey doesn't pass out.

Friday, February 2, 2007

end of the middle - beginning of the end

This week marks the end of the second trimester and beginning of the third. Baby Amato is kicking up a storm and sometimes keeping me awake at night while doing his/her kung-fu moves. I've been scared into mama reality that two of my friends have given birth early (congrats to Jen & Heather!). Plus at my last check-up the doctor encouraged us to get busy building the nursery. So, I think a shopping spree at Babies R Us is pending. Here's what our baby informer shared with us this week (no, that isn't actually Baby Amato but a nice replica!)

Fetal development in pregnancy week 26:

At long last, your little swimmer can see the womb! Your miracle’s little eyelids have finally separated (they were fused closed previously) and they’re probably having their first moments of sight as you read this. In addition to seeing their little studio in your belly, they’ve recently acquired the ability to say “yes” and “no” in rudimentary sign language as they can now move their head back and forth. This is also the time where your little super star’s head hair is starting to grow! A cute little cowlick or two may be springing into position right now, getting ready for years of cute-but-stubborn bed-head. Also, their toenails have grown in and your little raisin continues to slowly pile up fat beneath their still-loose skin. Most importantly, brain tissue and neurons are all developing at a rapid pace, increasing their (genius-level?) brain activity and will continue to function at accelerated levels for the first seven to eight years of childhood!