Monday, January 29, 2007

99 days and counting!

We are nearing the final trimester and out of the triple digit day countdown. I'm still in shock about being pregnant much less able to realize how close we are to the end. Joey got to feel the baby move for the first time this weekend so I think it is becoming more real to him too. I've been told by many people that we are having a girl. When I do the old wives' tales tricks, they almost always show a girl too. I suppose we will put it to the test! This is a photo (with cartoon effects) of me and my crazy kitty enjoying a nap - something I will treasure between now and May!

Monday, January 22, 2007

our birthday

Since Joe and my birthdays are two days apart, we celebrate together on the in between day. We snapped a few photos before our nice Italian dinner. I will soon surpass Joe's weight (and I'm trying to be ok with that). The first photo is a photo of his two (oops, three) favorite things - the guitar, me, and baby. Baby is moving a lot and we are doing great! 25 weeks & counting!